Hi team,
I would like to know if the creators receive any royalties when the NFTs/assets that they created are resold in the future?
I cant sip vote help me
I believe the latest valid update of Royalties is the one below:
@TSBCreators, @VeePyre , Please, fix the Link Issue, thank you!
Thank you @Dankoyy , will look into it.
Posting links can be important in many cases, but also requires a level of control over the type of links allowed to avoid malicious links in the Forum. Will have a look
Hey there.
Within the Sandbox Marketplace you will receive royalties as the “Creator” when your assets are resold within TSB Marketplace
I may be wrong on the exact percentages but I believe and I may need to correct this but it should be 5% to the Creator and 5% to TSB. on resales (total of 10% I believe currently TSB are at 0% for resales right now) This is for assets on the Polygon network.
Royalties don’t get paid if reslaes are done on secondary markets like opensea.