The Need for Increased Game Rules Grid Board Space



The game rules grid board space needs to be increased. This is primarily noticeable in resource management, team games, and shooting games, which tend to consume a considerable amount of space.

If this request is met, it would enhance my experience because it would allow for more complex and layered game mechanics, fostering creativity and innovation in game design. It would also accommodate a wider variety of game types, including resource management, team games, and shooting games, which tend to require more space due to their intricate rules and elements.


Hey Tobincraft.
There will be updates on the boards in 0.11 and 0.12
The Grid board space indicator only effects your machine performance while editing and wonโ€™t effect game performance while playing so you are safe to go way over that limit if your machine doesnโ€™t run to slow.
Variable on the other hand, you want to keep as close to the limit as you can for MP but I have seen games run fine being over the limit.
Check performance by testing as those limits are not hard limits.