🏆 Weekly Rankings Week #1 +2

We’ve been keeping a daily log since June 24th. It has total playtime, total number of plays, unique number of plays, etc. All three games are too low for our record, especially EAT!PIGPONG, which is only about 30%.

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@PeaJay I also have 2 auto complete quests right at the beginning if you were going to follow up with that as a query?
Reggae Golf should also be a considered a new experience, as i was not allowed to participate in Builders Challenge one as i was in the love and music event at the time. I had a bunch of contests planned that i had to cancel then, and had resurrected them for BC2.


Hi @PeaJay I wondering the team check every experience, if not check also mine:
Alokin Arena by SirAlokin

Thank you!

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Had a thought… If flagged account on your end are not being counted for our EXP play time you should publish this list because if we are having contests that give away SAND or NFTs it would be nice to have that list to make sure those players are reviewed to see if they are actually cheating so that we can make an educated decision on rewarding those players. Obviously mis-flagged players based on our decision can be rewarded but having that list is only fair.


Hello. I would just like to speak about this competition. The name says Builders Challenge, but in fact we see a competition for Marketing and Who will award the most awards. Those creators who are trying to create a really high-quality beautiful game, but are not companies with a decent budget or investors, it turns out a priori cannot be noticed at this competition. It seems to me that in the top projects section we should see a new rating every week so that as many participants as possible have a chance to be seen. I’m afraid that after this Challenge the Sandbox will be empty. Also in the Sandbox newsletter, 3-4 projects with a reward from Sandbox are advertised. And in the project gallery there is clearly a lot of spam - projects posted many times, which clogs up the feed as a whole…


I was thinking that the builder contest is for “try to add more experience on the sandbox map and try to get more audience possibile”. I supported 6 ppl to publish their first experience in the first week and I think the contest helped in that. I don’t agree with you.

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Instead of realizing they’re responding nicely and trying to collaborate to fix things, you’re just raging. You haven’t sacrificed a baby to build that game, have you? (Meaning you didn’t stake money on this that you can’t afford to lose?)

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Edited to remove the duplicated text

Thanks for response @Gikis, I do realize they have responded “nicely” over and over and over with the same cut and paste Thanks for your patience and understanding… blah blah!

Raging… I wasn’t… but now I am because you are part of the problem yourself! Sacrificing a baby!!! Why are you hungry, sicko??? The typical “We are in Alpha”…. Do you have that tattoo’d on you somewhere or are you just chocking on what you are given? Patience is/was given the first few times… obviously you fall into the “I am clueless club”.


Maybe it shouldn’t be a new territory for everyone. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I bet there are a lot of competent data analysts out there. It doesn’t really matter if it’s web3 data or any other CRM or GA data. It’s just a big XML file that needs sorting with a script you write according to your needs. I can get you someone to do that in a few minutes. So it’s not a new territory unless the person who is doing it has never done it before.

I get where ERA is coming from. I also had problem and reported via Jira, and received a nice feedback in few days saying that I was right and that it would be all fixed and sorted out. A month ago the ticket was just closed but the problem remains. But yeah, they were nice and trying to collaborate to fix things <3

In this case, the very first post on this board was “We are currently experiencing some issues with data retrieval.”. That was 15 days ago! And then yesterday, we got the leaderboard above. I don’t believe they can fix it in 24 hours if 2 weeks was not enough. I was surprised to see it being promised so I don’t really have big expectations. Believe me, I am very patient but running low on understanding because I am used to higher standards when it comes to business.

PS - please leave babies out of this. It might be a saying in your native language but it’s not translating nicely to this conversation.


I agree completely. I’ve basically sat this one out because as an independent creator, I don’t have a social media manager or marketing director. I might have 10 actual followers on X that aren’t bots, and they are mostly other creators. If I don’t have 11 unique visits a week, then there’s no point in even trying. Only one of my experiences is a multiplayer obby, which is the only thing that seems to resonate anyway.

This “Challenge” doesn’t encourage building by independent creators. It encourages the studios to keep doing their thing to reap the vast majority of the rewards. It does encourage marketing and some giveaways, but I would be afraid to offer prizes. Last challenge they changed the rules twice throughout the competition, resulting in significantly lower rewards than advertised for the common creator. I would be afraid of that happening again.


Can we make sure we stay respectful to one another within the Forum please.
Its understandable peoples tensions are high, but lets not move into attacks on one another.

If attacking behaviour continues moderation will need to step in here, although we want to make sure we keep open communication and not result to moderation.

Lets keep it friendly.

Once again understandable tensions are high and this is frustrating right now for all those taking part.
Please if you can sit tight for official announcements from our team.
And perhaps and not just aimed at you Escape room but lets all make sure we are careful with our words to one another and keep everything constructive


Exactly! Don’t come at me and we’re good!


You make some good points that I agree with but haven’t voiced.

1 - BC2 rewards are a good thing in many respects, but need rethinking in terms of the distribution curve.

2 - the way it works now is that games with large prize pools draw the most gamers, which increases the prize pool week over week, which reinforces more players jumping into the game. By 3rd week and on, the large prize games continue to increase players, while the smaller games with less prizes lose players. It tilts the deck early for projects that already have a large Sand rewards system implemented.

The problem i have isnt in rewarding those great experiences that deserve accolades, but how can you do it in a way that doesnt disproportiantely affect the games, small studios with few resources from polishing their games, especially into later weeks of the bc when these reward pools are highly contrasted.

3 - Builders and creators need consulting on how these challenges could be improved, we are in the trenches, we see and live many of the things that the TSB team don’t. We feel deeply what doesnt work, and with greater communication, this information could be used by TSB to improve these challenges and the perception at times from the builders.

4 - Need builders, players and and ambassadors represented in the DAO. It’s missing a critical component without representation here.


Carefully analyzing the documentation of the GMF Builder’s Challenge, we have the following:
Link [FAQ: GMF Builder's Challenge | En]

Is the purpose of the BC to replace the old GMF system? If so, what does that mean?

My personal view as Ecosystem Consultant is that the BC, based on its reward distribution table, now acts more like a Contest than with the intention of generating financial resources for the Studios to maintain their functional structures. This is more clear when assuming that the majority are creating reward mechanics for their players.

This phenomenon is well-known in Web3 games. Players, seeking rewards, move to the game with the best chance and proposition of Investment x Time x Reward. It’s a widely understood phenomenon in Web3.

In the figure below, it graphically reproduces well what Joncrow explains in the above quote, showing the shift of players to games with more reward options.

Although addressed by JonCrow, we still don’t know if this effect will occur in TSB; only the coming weeks will tell.

“Trenches” means that we are now on the front lines. However, we are not equipped with fundamentally tools to do so. In the documentation, for example, it talks about the Boosters.

However, something that is very simple to analyze from the perspective, especially of those who work with GameMaker, like me, doesn’t seem to be very well understood by some staff members regarding the implications of these Boosters. Therefore, communication becomes really difficult. These points have been extensively and repeatedly submitted in the Forum during those recently weeks and probably by various Studios internally.

I don’t see how the DAO can be adequately utilized here. I think the community cannot be responsible for such decisions. Although I understand the decentralization idea of the DAO, I believe that at this Alpha stage, TSB as a company should take responsibility for such important decisions.

We are already creating content, learning GM, creating Assets, creating GDDs, design games, managing projects and our Player’s Communities, Leaderboard, Google Form, and now doing the Marketing for our games.

Pushing decision to DAO means that we now have to worry about planning, executing, or helping to think and vote about projects like the BC? I don’t believe this is the way forward, from my perspective, looking at the community as a whole.

In conclusion:
:warning: WORKSPACE

Implementing “User Management” and building the complete architecture of the Workspace to know us individually is definitely the biggest fundamental piece causing many management problems for TSB.

I believe the first priority is to fully implement Workspace in GameMaker and VoxEdit so that we can log into OUR accounts and then log into PROJECTs accounts, allowing TSB to know us individually. As it stands, the Community of Creators is seen as the Projects, but Creators, to me, are all those who are part of building the ecosystem, and today, they are unknown to TSB.

So, Workspace Architecture is the highest priority today because only with good data will TSB be able to make good decisions.

Thank you for the attention.


Dear Creator Community,

We understand your concerns regarding the recent release of the Builders’ Challenge 2 rankings. Our intention was to promote transparency and engage creators. However, some of you noticed discrepancies between the metrics presented (visits, avg playtime) and those on your creator analytics page. In some cases, these differences were significant.

The discrepancy between the BC2 ranking metrics and those in creator analytics pages arises from specific requirements for visits and playtime in the Builders’ Challenge, such as completing at least one quest. These requirements don’t apply to the metrics on creator analytics pages. Additionally, we have measures to detect and prevent fake player visits and behavior, protecting both our creators and the integrity of the BC program. However, outside of our test environment, we found that some anti-cheat measures were overly penal, unintentionally affecting visits and average playtime metrics for some creators.

  • We take full responsibility for not accounting for this prior to publishing the initial BC2 rankings.
  • We recognize the importance of consistent metrics between creator analytics pages and the Builders’ Challenge: we want the analytics page to be reliable and guide your decision-making.
  • We are adjusting our anti-cheat measures and data processes for the Builders’ Challenge and future creators events.
  • We will republish the BC2 rankings and metrics within the next several days; Updated metrics will closely resemble those in creator analytics pages, though some disparities may remain due to BC2 rules.
  • BC2 creator rewards will be based on this updated ranking going forward. For this round, each creator will maintain the best out of the two rankings.

We appreciate the time taken by several creators to provide feedback and bring these issues to our attention. The Builders’ Challenge is still a program in its infancy and is far from perfect, but we are grateful for our engaged community and are committed to continuing to improve and move forward with the best intentions to grow The Sandbox.

See you in the Metaverse,

The Sandbox Builders’ Challenge team


Hi @PeaJay,

Thank you for the reply.

CORTEX is the new multiplayer experience I created specifically for BC2. Its on GM v0.10.8.

PlayPan 2.0 is not new and also updated to GM v0.10.8

MLM Pyramid of Doom is not new and also updated to GM v0.10.8 (It broke once, and I had to fixed it when 1 of my community members gave me the feedback)

None of my 3 experiences qualified apparently. Please look into this.


The “Challenge” does provide some sort of baseline to compete for independent creators. Let me share my experience as IC. My team solely consist of me myself and I. My “multiplayer” experience was created in 2 weeks specifically making each critical component to be qualified for BC2. I did not get the branded avatars as it doesn’t gel well with what I was making, and I was contented to lose a 50% modifier. Just as a test bed to see where I will stand. BC1 was a success for me as the team in TSB did advice on improvements to the experiences.

For BC2, I did paid marketing and running ads and stuff from 2 different parties. I have an internal community where we playtest and enjoy each independent creators’ unique creations. The rules of BC2 might be a bit wonky. I understand the whole “We need a multiplayer game!” even though MP is unplayable at this stage with de-sync and stuff. I still made 1 just to see the limits of the program itself. I have gained a couple of new players, and I am happy to reward them from my own pool of funds that I set aside for this round of BC2. Would have been contented to see even 1 of my Experience on the leaderboard tbh.

This challenge isnt for IC to get top 3. That is almost impossible without massive investment into Player Aquisitions Strategies… Currently there is only 126 out of 1000 that even made it on the board… After the adjustment and re-deployment… I believe at most there will be 250 on the board. <<-- This is 300 SAND min as a rewards. My current analytics page compared to the board would have placed me somewhere in the top 100 range and I will be happy with this result anyway. Slowly but surely, as an IC. We can get there.

Psst… You can create a Multiplayer game with everyone in it running an internal localized SP game using purely on the Rules System. I know I know… This is exploiting a loophole. But as a main VE/GM trainer in Singapore, I understand what the platform can do and cannot and all its lovely loopholes. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yea he came at you 1st homie. (Hey my first forum reply! lol )


I am positive and grateful in terms of my efforts. One thing I want to say is that the compensation gap between the top 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and 4th to 13th is so big. I also respect the efforts of the top teams and think they are great.
but If you are in the first 1, 2, or 3, you can make another investment with compensation, so the possibility of staying in the top 3 for the remaining 8 weeks is so great.
Of course, this was announced in advance by bc2, so I’m not asking you to change it this time. However, if bc3 goes ahead next time, I hope you can think about this. Thank you.


Thank you @TSBCreators for your response and information updating us on what is the plan going forward. This is the kind of thing that helps calm the waters of the tides of chaos. I will speak for a majority of us in saying, thank you. I am hopeful in this and look forward to the success of this going forward, but remain cautious until it is implemented. I, like my colleagues (Common-Unity), want the best not only for this but TSB as a whole. It is our home, it is where we play, it is our future in gaming and our businesses.

As Always, Be Building!!