One of the most necessary things to provide a reliable gaming experience for players is to efficiently manage the resources used within the game.
However, as a creator of The Sandbox, managing efficient resources with a rule system is too difficult at the moment.
The various objects that make up the game take up the most resources when objects are created and deleted in real time. This is not only for thesandboxe, but also for games on other platforms. Most game developers have solved this problem by using object pools for resource management.
Object pooling is a function that minimizes the creation and deletion of objects by creating a certain number of objects needed before the game starts, taking them out when necessary, and putting them back into the object pool when not needed.
Object pools must be used especially in FPS genres such as projectiles, and if you create multiple projectile objects without using this feature, you may experience game stops due to lack of resources.
The Sandbox’s Gamemaker Tool offers a variety of features, including projectiles, but it creates and deletes objects the moment you use them. This must be improved as a result of a lack of game resources causing pauses during play.
If this demand is met, it will be possible to develop games of various genres, including FPS, so that they can play games without stopping.