Sandbox capabilities

Iā€™m a complete newbie to The Sandbox Game. Before I download it, I just need to know if it fulfils my needs. Letā€™s see here:

  1. What is the type of scripting system used in it?
  2. Sure, it has its own model making stuff, but can I import my own models? Because Iā€™ve spent a LONG time in making a bunch of models in blender for my game.
  3. Does it use the scene system like in GDevelop and Unity and stuff?
  4. I can export my game anywhere right?
  5. Does it have something relating to tweens in GDevelop? Since I just got out of GDevelop recently.
  6. It uses behaviours and has a 3D editor?
  7. Based on what I saw, I suppose it is primarily built for 3d stuff.
  8. Since I plan on making a good olā€™ hack ā€˜nā€™ slash kind of game, this is good for that, right?
  9. Can this game use good acrobatics like wall running and climbing and stuff?
  10. Can I use tints and special effects along with particle emitters and stuff?

Out of these, number 2 is the most important. Can I please get information on this quick? Thanks!

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Thatā€™s a lot of questions. It might be best for you to spend some time experimenting with The Sandbox Game Maker yourself to get a feel for it. Good to search up some of the games that already created to see what the platform can do in general. And donā€™t forget to read the Official The Sandbox Documentation.

But hereā€™s some quick one for you, my reply is based solely on what I know as a creator:

1. What is the type of scripting system used in it?
For scene objects, the logic primarily involves combination of Behaviors and Components assigned to objects. Quick example, you can

For the ā€˜backendā€™, thereā€™s a Game rules section where you can send and receive messages from scene objects, control messages, manipulate variables, perform simple math operations, and display HUD elements.
There are also some tabs to setup quick quests, camera settings, configure player control and more.

2. Sure, it has its own model making stuff, but can I import my own models? Because Iā€™ve spent a LONG time in making a bunch of models in blender for my game.
Unfortunately, you canā€™t directly import 3D models from Blender into The Sandbox Game Maker because everything in The Sandbox is voxel-based. Youā€™ll need to create models from scratch using a tool called VoxEdit. While you can use other voxel tools like MagicaVoxel to assist in model creation, the final upload must be in VoxEdit.

3. Does it use the scene system like in GDevelop and Unity and stuff?
The Sandbox Game Maker doesnā€™t use a scene system like GDevelop or Unity. Instead, you work within a single experience scene, starting with an empty landscape where you can drag and drop objects and assign behaviors and components to them.

4. I can export my game anywhere right?
You canā€™t export executable files from The Sandbox Game Maker. Instead, you publish your game on The Sandbox map if you own a LAND NFT, allowing players to access it from The Sandbox Game Client. If you donā€™t own an NFT, players can still find your game within the Game Maker itself.

5. Does it have something relating to tweens in GDevelop? Since I just got out of GDevelop recently.
Directly tweening object animations isnā€™t possible in the The Sandbox Game Maker. You first create voxel models and animations in VoxEdit, upload them to workspace in your Sandbox account, and then sync them to the Game Maker to use in your scenes.

6. It uses behaviours and has a 3D editor?
As mentioned, The Sandbox Game Maker has behaviors and components for game logic, and VoxEdit serves as the 3D editor for creating voxel objects.

7. Based on what I saw, I suppose it is primarily built for 3d stuff.
VoxEdit is used for building voxel objects and animations, which are then packed into The Sandbox Game Maker to create environments and gameplay.

8. Since I plan on making a good olā€™ hack ā€˜nā€™ slash kind of game, this is good for that, right?
The Sandbox Game Maker could be suitable for creating a hack and slash game, as I remember they got a previous game jam with that theme.
The Sandbox Game Jam #2 Hip Hop Zen Slayer on Game Maker - YouTube

9. Can this game use good acrobatics like wall running and climbing and stuff?
Setting up parkour-style gameplay is relatively quick using the Game Maker. Thereā€™s a Climbable Component that can be assigned to objects to enable climbing mechanics.

10. Can I use tints and special effects along with particle emitters and stuff?
You can use the Post Process Effects Behavior for screen effects, and there are particle effects available in the Visual FX Component.


Alright, thanks for the answer to every question. Iā€™ll check the sandbox out like you said to see the full potential of the engine. :+1:


Hiii, Welcome!!!

The logic, as we call it, is responsible for the game programming, but it doesnā€™t involve coding. It is done with drag-and-drop functions added to the Assets, known as Behaviors and Components (B/C). Each B/C can be Client(SP), Syncronized(MP), or both SP and MP; some are only SP, others only MP, and still others work in both SP and MP.

Unfortunately, there is a significant lack of beginner lessons, partly due to the constant advancement of GameMaker, which makes it difficult to create lessons, as they can quickly become obsolete. However, there is work being done in this area, but you can access some old logic through the Logic Guide, although I donā€™t recommend it.

The most important thing: Use the Forum, every question is important and starting with GameMaker is veeeeeery difficult without help, support or videosā€¦ So, this forum was created for that! Itā€™s the beginning of something very important for the TSB community.

My video suggestion:
The Sandbox Game Maker - Beginner Guide to Game Maker

Thank you @ShahmirK3

:mortar_board: Behaviours

:mortar_board: Components


Hello @ShahmirK3!

I think our seasoned creators @Meowl & @Dankoyy have answered your questions in depth, but I would like to welcome you! :wave:

Hopefully you will find inspiration here in The Sandbox. Please let us know if you have any further questions. :slight_smile: