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I have used the template but I cannot modifying the art work in the game play. There is no delay between broadcast .here is the print screen.
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Hey have you saved over the preset after you changed the asset?
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Yes I have saved the preset but still not working
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It looks good to me. what happens when you put down a wood box?
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It still displayed the old preset. My own preset is still not working!
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I still cannot display my own preset.
Cyber Dragon via The Sandbox - Creators <notifications@sandbox.discoursemail.com> 於 2024年5月8日週三 下午2:03寫道:
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Have you tried saving the box preset again? This is strange that you can’t see the updated version.
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I have tried saving the box preset again. I can see the box. But cannot load my own preset after moving the box.It has load the default preset
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I was able to successfully change the preset and it worked fine.
But to cover all angles, could you please follow these steps, just in case the naming convention is causing your issue:
Once you select your preset wood: Copy this name:
Once you replace you asset using the “Replace function” Paste the name here again:
Once you click on ‘preset’ to save the new one, paste the name you copied earlier into the search bar:
Finally, before pressing Confirm, delete the name and paste it again, then Confirm:

Another problem the wood counter did not show up after replacing the artwork and the music did not play
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My behavior is not working after using the method of changing the preset.
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