Update on Week 3 & 4 Rankings

About the participation of published experiences in official events within Builders Challenge 2 (BC2), it is important to consider fairness within the competition. In Builders Challenge 1 (BC1), there was a rule that excluded participation data obtained during official events to maintain a level playing field.

However, and although I believe this rule was not implemented at any point in BC1, now in BC2, TSB decided to remove this rule, raising concerns about how exposure at official events can disproportionately affect ranking and therefore , rewards based on player participation.
I agree with what @theJoncrow mentions:

I believe that any help is needed, and participating in TSB-sponsored events actually helps a lot in experiences that fail to achieve the reach that in some cases is needed and deserved. It has been seen that indeed there are experiences and studios that have been able to manage and be in a high ranking without needing to be in an event sponsored by TSB (I only refer to those who have achieved those results in an honest and organic way, I leave aside those who have used botsā€¦ sorry, Guilds and YEAH actual BOTS and are still in this ranking using the same dishonest practices that they have been used since BC1) but as mentioned before, participating in an official event has a disproportionate influence on the ranking as @Gikis mentioned.

Participating in events either officially sponsored by TSB or not, should not be a reason for which you should not receive BC rewards, rather I believe that if an experience or a studio participates in one of these is when we should take advantage of that help to get that player engagment in our experiences and projects, is when we should push ourself to show our experiences, projects, and work to a new audience and get that ā€œexposureā€ of which so much is spoken.

But the way in which these events act at the moment is neither adequate, nor fair to all participants, because it exponentially influences the bi-weekly ranking.
My feeling is that implementing rules in the middle of the event is something that generates frustration, so I donā€™t expect changes in the remainder of BC2. If a BC3 is planned in the future I hope that these points are taken into consideration and that ways can be found to help the games to have that boost that is needed (if it is needed) and in turn TSB will benefit from what the studios or Builders do with that exposure to retain more players for the games and why not, attract new ones.
I know this is not related to ā€œParticipation in official TSB Eventsā€ but something that is totally wrong is the duplicate experiences in LAND that are participating in the BC. Sincerely it fills me with frustration to see this ā€œpreliminaryā€ ranking because it only took me 1 minute to realize the duplicated experiences just by seeing the name.

What is worse is that in a way I hope to be satisfied with only one of these duplicate experiences or experiences with suspicious activities (GUILDS and BOTS) and move up one position in the ranking, just one, which would allow me to earn some more SAND, but even more frustrating is that I am satisfied with just that.

These two rules are present in both BC1 and BC2 and I think that by means of these rules it is not necessary to ā€œaddā€ new rules or ā€œclarifyā€ something


I donā€™t see any problem with these rules, but I consider that TSB should have a stricter penalty with these people that corrode the ecosystem and not just ban the experience.

UGC creators can help this platform grow and become ā€œTHE top project in the metaverseā€, but maybe it wonā€™t happen with these bad actors here, apparently the trusted ones didnā€™t turn out to be so trusted.
I know BC was originally intended to be an open event for everyone, which I think is great. Iā€™ve seen Land Owners really excited to create and work on their own experiences and thatā€™s one of the few things that has made me happy about this whole event, and I think itā€™s been a good move on TSBā€™s part.
But maybe I think doing so has been what has opened the door to all these bad actors.

I hope that for BC3 (if there is one) TSB looks for ways to get people who actually show genuine engagement with the platform to participate, I know it will be difficult, since there are more people like that participating in these events and who are showing true genuine engagement with the platform. Opening Game Maker for 7 is not a way to measure someoneā€™s commitment by any means, opening and closing GM just to be eligible is something that anyone can do.

TSB wants to ensure our commitment to the platform by just opening GM for a week? There are some who have had GM open since its launch and thatā€™s been years, some of them continuously creating something for hours and without a break even on weekends and without holidays.
As I mentioned before the rankings came out, warning about a possible exploit that could happen about duplicated experiences or publishing several experience in one single LAND, I mentioned some feedback that may be useful and in turn add value to LAND and Premium LANDS Owners in the future and future events.

Something should be done, for example, during these years I have created and helped to created approximately 30 experiences in Game Maker, which are not empty experiences or templates without any work, nothing stops me from publishing all those experiences in One single LAND and earning if not triple or much more than what I am being rewarded at this moment.

(I vote ā€œIā€™m not sureā€ on the poll, just to specify a little bit more).
I think this poll will really help a lot in the future, I hope this and other methods serve as a way of communication between TSB and the Builders that demonstrates a genuine commitment to the platform, and that the ā€œinfant stage ideaā€, ā€œweā€™re still in ALPHAā€ or ā€œpreliminary rankingsā€ is put aside. I think everyone will agree with me that we want a BC3, if there is one, with the same quality of the experiences that we make.

I know that our word is not the final decisions that TSB as a company must make, but perhaps listening to our points of view or taking into account our feedback will help to avoid these problems and have successful and fair events in the future.

The truth is that the poll is a good idea, it gives the impression that TSB want to know our opinions, I will not say more about that, many times we have seen TSB doing only what is necessary to keep people calm when something bad is happening. But I think we all appreciate the poll as a way of communication @VeePyre.
Since I have a feeling that none of my experiences will be Featured by TSB, Iā€™ll take the opportunity to talk to this audience aboutā€¦

Galactic Clash, a unique space PvP in TSB, why? Because itā€™s the most Galactic and the most Clash of all. It has 3 totally unique ships per team, each with 3 different and unique abilities. Give it a try, with the necessary support we can implement more ships, and more game modes (as you will notice this game has the base of a moba so that is what we hope to achieve in the future)

And of course, I would like to mention the black sheep of our games or rather the ā€œdirtyā€ sheep of our experiences.
Get Gross an Obby Race in which your only goal is to be the dirtiest of all. As simple and gross as that.
:v: (sorry I cannot post any links)