As a creator and educator in The Sandbox, it is currently unclear and difficult to use the Educational Templates. While these templates are the best tool available for newcomers, there are some areas where improvements could be made so that they can be properly utilized.
- Iโd like to take this opportunity to provide my feedback on the Logic Templates for the GM Squad:
- TSB could invest more time and resources into Educational Templates. While they are generally good, certain aspects of B&C could be better addressed and presented. Additionally, some templates, like those involving NFTs, do not function as expected.
- It would be beneficial to include more important information in the descriptions indicating whether the Templates have been updated with the GM. Furthermore, creating specific Forum Threads for discussing and improving these templates in a decentralized manner would be a great improvement for community as a whole.
- TSB could easily implement multiple language options to help overcome the English barrier, especially considering that TSB already has multiple HQs around the world.
- Add more basic assets with refined animations, art design, and content to the Templates to make them more appealing and enable easier video tutorials for the community.
If these suggestions are implemented, it would significantly enhance my experience, as itโs currently challenging to understand the correct way to use logic, teach it, and share knowledge with newcomers.
Thank you
Daniel Dankoyy
TSB Education Enthusiast
Loot and Chest