I see all weapons deal 5 point damage, I can’t figure out how and where to change it, any tips?
To make the weapons stronger you need to add Catalysts to the asset when you upload to market place. The default weapons and equipment that you find in Game Maker can’t be altered to have more power.
You don’t need to own the catalyst if you don’t want to mint.
or add left click button mapping in Game Rules.
-Give the avatar a play sound component
-So when Left click is pressed, tha avatar plays a sound and sends a message to everyone in range.
-Then the enemy in range can receive that message and send “Health” (-10 for example) to itself.
Cool idea but with this method still a simple sword will deal the same damage as a huge axe.
So this seems very limited. Any shortcuts available maybe?
Yes, collectible component has a toggle called “on equip” (something like that).
-When the sword is equipped it sends a message. Also when the axe is equipped it sends a different message.
-You could attach 2 logic assets to the enemy (message broadcasters that receive the “Play sound component” message and send “Health”).
-One logic asset for the sword that sends “Health” (-10).
-The other for the axe that sends “Health” (-50 for example).
-These equip messages can then be used to toggle between the two different message broadcasters (attached to the enemy), depending on what weapon is equipped.