Equitable assets with more animations / active components (trigger via msgs in GM)

As a creator in The Sandbox, it is currently too difficult to change the player experience with default wearable equipment which only have one fixed animation on a loop and components / behaviors deactivated while equipped.

It would be really awesome if it was possible to have more than one animation for the gear that avatars wear and in GM they can change the animation of the gear using msgs / animated behaviour
It would take the cake if we could logic components and behaviors on the gear would still trigger/send msgs while equipped on the avatar.

If this request is met, it would improve my experience because wearable equipment would be more than a avatar decorative skin that give stats. It would become a tool that would allow builders to change the players ingame expreinces

  1. upgradable / unlockable gear states ( as opposed to reequipping a new set)
  2. reactive gear that can make / change the visual profile of players as the game progresses
  3. changes in the gear provide visual modification to the attack pattern of the player
    (thus allowing builders to make more interesting combat mechanics [imaging the game prototype] [Godofwar shield])

100%. Soo necessary! Thank you @LittleLegionOrg

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