GM 0.10 NFTImage display information not working


I am trying to do something simple but it seems not working…

I am trying to use a lever that send an MP message to a NFT Display to display the NFT Detail Display [NftImage] information.

But it does nothing… when I use [Asset] instead of [NftImage] it works well but not really what I want lol

I tried also to do it directly on the NFT Display asset but same…

Are you able to show NFT Image information ?


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Hi hi

Used interact msg. and these are my configs.

not sure if it helps

Untitled Project

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Whaaaat it works for you :thinking: … I will try again tomorrow thanks!

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GM again,

Quite the same settings, and nothing happen when I interact… :sweat:

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have tested with the shared settings in post and was able to show the data.

maybe… try with a different NFT. as strange as this sounds maybe that particular nft migh have some data on it which cannot be displayed easily?

maybe use try with another nft like this one?

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I tried with your NFT and it worked… I guess not all NFT are supported :sweat:

Mine was this one:

Maybe because it is a gif…

Thanks for you help, I will put a speaker with info instead :frowning:


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no worries.

happy to help, even if it does not solve it. XD more keyboards make light work.

remember they was some discussion on making gif and polygon types to work on the nft components.
would be abit strange if a nft based game can not see data or view nfts.

might be a bug they need to resolve, raising a jira ticket might help,

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Good idea, I will open a ticket to let them know.

Have a nice day fren!

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