Comparing 4 Different Values (Rules)

:desktop_computer: Game Maker version: 0.10.6
:speech_balloon: Request Type: Feature Request
:dizzy:Objective: Compare 4 Different Values.

I would Like to Request This Feature to Sort the Result More Quickly, It Can be Greater than or Less Than or Equal.

Use-case : Creator Can us this Feature to Sort out the Team Scores , Points.

Example: We can take Collecting Quest As an Example , Players Who collects Less Will be Eliminated. So the Less Than Command Will Sort the Least Score and Give the Output.

If you think this Feature is Useable with your Valid Requirements , that can Help Lot of Creators Who were Building.

Thanks & Regards.


yes. sort function and list / array variable types. :pray:
am so glad that am not the only one that feels that this is needed.