About the 👥 Community Tutorials: VoxEdit category

Share video and text how-to tutorials for step-by-step guidance on the VoxEdit software, website tools, or other topics relevant to creating ASSETS in The Sandbox.


:clipboard: Using this Category :clipboard:

:warning: Before posting, please make sure that your topic has not already been created by someone else by using the :mag_right: Search function in the top right corner of the page.


:space_invader: Appropriate Tags in this Category :space_invader:

ve-tutorial You are posting a tutorial for the VoxEdit software.

concept-tutorial You are posting a tutorial for concepting an asset.

marketing-tutorial You are posting a tutorial that teaches creators how to market their ASSETs.

ugc-tutorial You are posting a tutorial to teach other relevant UGC techniques that are relevant for ASSET creators in The Sandbox.

video-tutorial You are posting a video tutorial. It is recommended that you use this with one other tag to specify what your video tutorial relates to, for example ve-tutorial.

written-tutorial You are posting a written text tutorial. It is recommended that you use this with one other tag to specify what your written tutorial relates to, for example ve-tutorial.

Users that have reached trust-level-2 or above are additionally able to create their own tags if they see fit.


:policeman: Follow the Rules :policeman:

Our moderators reserve the right to remove any posts containing questions which have already been posted and/or answered here, posts which do not belong in this category, and posts that violate our rules and guidelines.

If you see a post that violates our rules and guidelines or is offensive, please use the report function to report the post.

Wrongfully reporting posts without a legitimate reason will give you a strike.

Please read our forum rules here before posting in any of our categories.

Thank you for keeping a good atmosphere! :blue_heart: